Helping individuals and partners overcome shame, embrace pleasure, and realize a broader, more fulfilling sexual and intimate life.
Sex, intimacy, and relationship coaching
As a sex and intimacy coach I work with clients to bring more joy and openness to your intimate and sexual relations. Grounded in the notion of maximizing pleasure and minimizing shame, embodied somatic sex and intimacy coaching combines multiple methods to create a program that is tailored to your personal needs and goals. Whether you are single, in a couple, or in an open or polyamorous relationship, my aim is to help you enjoy and enhance your connection to yourself and others. I welcome clients who engage in (or want to explore) the full spectrum of sexual interests and inclinations, from vanilla to kink, and who want to realize a more open and intimate sexual potential. I work with people of all gender identities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, abilities, ages, cultures, and religions.
Coaching options (online via zoom)
We will work one-on-one to create a path toward a more fulfilling intimate and/or erotic relationship to oneself and others. Individual sessions can include improving sex and self pleasure experiences, navigating single life, sexual issues and concerns, relationship issues, and more.
Couples or polygroups learn tools and methods to improve intimate, sexual, and day-to-day interactions, including communication, resolving conflict, addressing frustrating relationship patterns, sexual issues and concerns, and enhancing mutual, sexual pleasure.
Are you thinking about trying a kink, opening up your relationship, purchasing sex toys, varying how you masturbate, finding new types of foreplay, giving an erotic massage? Exploration coaching is for individuals and partners ready for erotic adventure and seeking guidance on that next sexual step.
Groups of six or more can book a session together for a reduced rate. Create your own sex class! Contact me to discuss scheduling and pricing. I will also hold occasional themed group classes - click here for upcoming events.
First time clients are asked to book a (free) 15 minute session to make sure we are the right match for your needs:
What is the difference between coaching and therapy?
Let me first say that coaching is not meant to replace therapy, and I believe strongly in the value of seeing a therapist. The difference between the two, in general terms, is that coaching meets you where you are presently and helps you develop tools and skills to move toward a better future and the life you want. Therapy tends to look more intently at your past and focus on healing from psychological wounds so you can be happier and more free in the present. There is, of course, crossover, but perhaps the most important distinction is that coaching is not clinical - it is not designed to diagnose and treat mental health conditions or disorders. That very important work is for you to do with your therapist.
What happens in a coaching session?
That depends entirely where you are in your life and on your journey. More importantly, it depends on what you want for yourself. Sessions include techniques to help you develop the tools to make pleasure-improving choices for your sexual and intimate life, ranging from talking, discussing, and mapping to somatic exploration, breath work, and self touch. We will begin by discussing your goals and obstacles, then outline a program for you to help you move toward realizing a freer sexual and intimate being. We will look at what is blocking you from pleasure and work to find ways, without shame, to diminish your barriers to joy.
And, always, we will only explore using methods with which you are fully comfortable and for which you give your full consent.
Relationship coaching focuses on the patterns that do not serve any of the partners or the relationship as a whole. We will work together to develop and practice tools to acknowledge, assess, and adjust our learned behavior to better take care of ourselves and our partners. Coaching is not mediating - coaching sessions will not referee your relationship. Instead, we will help you find a better way to address the issues that arise in a way that is kinder to everyone, including oneself. Relationship coaching can also involve discussions and techniques to improve your intimate and erotic interactions.
I want to explore and try new things - can coaching help me with that?
Absolutely! I love helping people enhance, broaden, and uninhibit their sexual experiences in order to take steps toward a life in which you actively explore your fantasies, kinks, and desires. No matter what you find arousing and exciting (with fully consenting adults, of course), we can work together to bring that pleasure into your life and your sexual encounters. Somatic embodied sex coaching focuses on getting to know your own body better and on minimizing shame to enhance pleasure, which is a great formula for opening your mind to allow you to explore those fantasies and experience new forms of arousal.
For the avoidance of doubt or confusion, we will establish a clear set of agreed upon boundaries in our early sessions and revisit those boundaries whenever necessary. I operate under the ASIS Code of Ethics, which can be found here.
I’m not very adventurous / experienced / comfortable talking about sex - is coaching for me?
When I coach with someone the first step is to meet you exactly where you are. We then assess your goals, hopes, and obstacles and create a program for you. Most importantly, there is no shame, ever, about where you are sexually and/or intimately. I celebrate every sexual being along the entire spectrum, and we will work together to move you in a direction you want to go, gently and with compassion for the self. And if you are uncomfortable or intimidated discussing sex and your body, that is a great reason to work with a coach. We will go slowly and carefully, always and only with your consent and understanding.